Fell CS issued the following announcement on Feb. 11.
Happy Tuesday!
As always, we appreciate your efforts to make sure that our students were on virtually during our recent COVID closure! Thank you for all you do to keep us open and moving in the right direction for our kids! Remember if your child is sick or is staying home due to illness, please be sure to let us, especially Mrs. Urzen know (BUrzen@fellcharter.com).
I have a few updates and reminders for this week:
1. Reminder that the 15th is Spring picture day. It is nice to just be able to type the world S P R I N G and know that it is right around the corner.
2. Starting Monday the 14th students who would like to bring their lunch to school in a lunch sac/container may do so. Please be sure that the lunch container is able to be wiped down or cleaned at home every day. The lunch sacs/containers may be brought back and forth to school. Please keep them to the traditional school size, as storage in the classrooms are tight right now. We have NOT YET made any other changes to our COVID plan. When we do, I will be sure to notify you.
3.Please be careful when pulling into the driveway/parking lot each day. Even though our roads may have been salted or plowed, because we are below the main road surface, we ice over more quickly. Please drive slowly and do not pass cars in front of you.
4. I am very glad to tell you that we have hired someone for the position of School Secretary! Good News: Mrs. Jamie Swartzfager has accepted the position of School Secretary! Jamie will start with us on 2/22/22.
Jamie is a graduate of Wayne Highlands High School, and has worked in the banking industry and in the sales force for the last few years; she is coming to us with customer service skills, technology skills and as a parent.
Naturally it will take time for her to get up to speed on the day-to-day issues, and to get to know our faces, voices, routines and how to assist. Please be patient with her as she gets settled into Fell in late February!
Thank you for your patience while we have been short one person in the office!
Be well and look in on neighbors to make sure everyone is doing ok during the cold weather.
Miss Walsh
Original source can be found here.